SUMMER JAMBOREE 2016: The Hottest Rockin' Holiday on Earth!

Starting tomorrow (Saturday 30th of August, at 18:00 hrs) all the way through Sunday 7th of August.

Dancing, drinking, shopping & living in the old times. Senigallia, a beautiful and charming small sea town in the "Marche", North East Italian region, is completely "suited up" as it was back in the '50s and '60s. Bars, bestaurants, bathhouses, and all the Market in the town centre all have the Vintage look and feel.

In our opinion, it is really worth spending a couple of days during this festival, in Senigallia. You'll find OPHERTY & CIOCCI's vintage accessories stand in the main upper "PIAZZA", in front of the UNICREDIT bank.

Much more info, details, and "how to". on Summer Jamboree's official website, here.

OPHERTY & CIOCCI stand at Summer Jamboree, in Senigallia  PERSOL selection, OPHERTY & CIOCCI stand, Summer Jamboree

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